Saturday, December 29, 2012

SF Cinco de Mayo en Dolores Park, ya una tradición!

Artwork ©Jonah Roll

San Francisco Cinco de Mayo Festival in Dolores Park, an event of Mission Neighborhood Centers is an annual old tradition that celebrates unity, freedom and diversity of all Latin American cultures by commemorating the Mexican anniversary of the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Every year a lineup of standing performers bring their talent to hundreds, maybe thousands of viewers in the park. Politicians, television and radio hosts and community leaders express their words and entertrain to a crowd that identifies with the cause. Mariachi music, folklorico dancers, salsa bands, and latin jazz to name a few. Ethnic food, community resources, and nick knacks decorate the fair.
Ensambles Ballet, 2011 ©Katia Fuentes

Berta Olivia 2012  ©Katia Fuentes

Danzantes ©Katia Fuentes

Zapateado de Oro ©Katia Fuentes

Carlos Felix, MX Consul General; David Campos, Supervisor District  9; Santiago Ruiz, ED MNCSF; and Tom Ammiano. ©Katia Fuentes.